This is another idea we gathered from Pinterest and gave a try!

What you need:
- Paper
- Red, Yellow, Blue and Brown
- Washable Kids Paint (We used Crayola)
- Brown Marker
- Several Wine Corks
- Paper Plate
- Paint Brush
What you do:
- We started off by talking with our child about the season of fall and how the leaves on the trees change colors and fall down. We looked outside and noticed the change and then talked about the colors that the leaves change: from green to yellow, orange, red, then brown.
- Next we drew the shape of the tree trunk and some branches on our paper with the marker.
- After that, we got out our paint and shared how blue and yellow paint make green. We also mixed red and yellow to make orange. Then we added some yellow, red and brown paint to our paper plate. We showed our child how to use wine corks as a stamp to stamp "leaves" to the tree.
- In our case, our child was only 2 so we had her stamp the colors one at a time before adding more paint to the plate. However, for an older child you could give them all of the colors at once. The key to avoiding a big mess with paint is to limit how much paint you give at a time. Baby wipes are great for wiping up messes too.
- This project turned out beautifully and was easy and low cost. Mom filled in the tree with brown paint afterwards and added the word "fall". It was fun to teach a little lesson along with the project.
Pinterest Version:

Our Version (not bad for a 2 year old!):

- After we finished, our child wanted to do handprints with the paint so she did another tree using handprints. That one turned out cute too! Here it is:
Happy painting and enjoy making memories with your child!
-The Re-Play Team