Yogurt Berry Buttons

in Jan 1, 2024

Yogurt Berry Buttons are a simple yet delicious frozen treat perfect for all the family on summer days (or to cheer up teething little ones!)


  • One container of your favorite yogurt
  • greaseproof paper (such as parchment paper)
  • strawberry slices or blueberries cut in half



  • Simply choose your favorite yogurt (I used plain full fat Greek and a Blueberry yogurt)
  • Line a flat baking tray with greaseproof paper then using a teaspoon dollop on small blobs of yogurt and spread into a button shape using the back of a spoon.
  • Either leave plain or decorate with thin slices of strawberry or blueberries cut in half.
  • Freeze for around 2 hours and enjoy!


Here's a link to purchase our snack pods online!